Pokémon go

Play Where You AreThere’s adventure everywhere! Even when you’re playing from the comfort of home page, there’s plenty khổng lồ bởi vì in the world of Pokétháng GO.Tap the categories above sầu to lớn learn more about your favorite features and how you can use them from trang chính. For the lakiểm tra on what bonuses are currently active, head on over to the Today View.

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Incense is an cửa nhà that, when activated, attracts a Pokémon khổng lồ you—wherever you are! Incense now lasts one hour per use & is available at a discount in the siêu thị.

Chechồng the Today View for any Incense bonuses.During some events, Incense will attract certain Pokémon more than usual. Be sure to check the in-app News for the latest!Incense can be purchased in the shop.


Connect Pokémon GO with Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! on Nintenvị Switch, và receive a Mystery Box when you sover a Pokémon from Pokétháng GO to the GO Park complex. Right now, the Mystery Box will attract more Melrã than usual!



At midnight every day, you’ll receive sầu a bonus task without having khổng lồ spin a PokéStop! These tasks will be different from Field Research tasks you receive from PokéStops and will focus on activities that you can complete wherever you are.

If you don’t have sầu an open Field Research slot, then a fourth slot will open to lớn accommodate the bonus task for you.If all four Field Research slots are filled, you won’t receive sầu the bonus task.Tasks can be completed in an individual setting and wherever you are.

Sending Gifts lớn friends just got more personalized! Want lớn show a friover how much you appreciate them? Soon you’ll be able to add a special sticker to lớn Gifts you send!

At launch, there will be five available stickers to lớn choose from!You can use a sticker only once, so be sure to stock up on more by opening Gifts. Soon, you’ll be able lớn purchase some designs from the siêu thị.

The number of Gifts you can open daily is currently increased lớn 30, và the number of Gifts you can carry in your Item Bag is increased lớn trăng tròn. Gifts also contain more Pogạnh Balls. Cheông chồng out the new stickers coming khổng lồ gifts that you can sover lớn your friends!

If you run low on Gifts, your Buddy Pokémon will venture khổng lồ nearby PokéStops và bring some Gifts baông xã for you khổng lồ send out lớn your friends.You’ll see a notification above sầu your buddy’s portrait when it has returned with Gifts.A buddy of any Buddy Level will be able lớn bởi this for you! It doesn’t have sầu to lớn be on the bản đồ, either.

Bond with your Buddy Pokémon! With the Buddy Adventure feature, your buddy will be by your side in your Pokémon GO explorations.

Feed your buddy treats, and it’ll join you on the map!Try playing with your buddy & taking a snapshot of it.These activities & more will raise your Buddy Level.If you run low on Gifts, your Buddy Pokémon will venture khổng lồ nearby PokéStops and bring some baông xã for you!

Join nearby Raid Battles remotely with Remote Raid Passes!Soon, you’ll be able to lớn invite friends khổng lồ join you, regardless of where they are.

You can find Remote Raid Passes in the shop. You cannot have sầu more than three Remote Raid Passes at once.Cheông xã the in-tiện ích News for the lachạy thử on what Legendary or Mythical Pokémon are currently available lớn battle in rsida.

Head to the Battle screen, and battle Trainers from all around the world in the GO Battle League!Put your battle skills khổng lồ the test in Trainer Battles that feature style và strategy chất lượng to lớn Pokémon GO.

Sometimes during special events, you’ll be able to lớn play more sets of battles than usual! Cheông chồng the Today View for the lademo.

Want khổng lồ get in some practice before jumping into lớn the GO Battle League? You can practice battling with friends!

Trainers will be able khổng lồ initiate Trainer Battles via QR Code from anywhere, regardless of the Trainers’ Friendship cấp độ or distance.

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Pokémon và Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintenvày. During gameplay, please be aware of your surroundings and play safely.