Lyrics For If I Can'T Have You By Yvonne Elliman

“If I Can’t Have You” is the upbeat, The 1975-inspired track that marks the beginning of Shawn Mendes' fourth musical era after the May 2018 release of his third studio album… Read More 
How to Format Lyrics:Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the songThe Section Header button breaks up tuy nhiên sections. Highlight the text then click the linkUse Bold và Italics only to lớn distinguish between different singers in the same verse.E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Both”Capitalize each lineTo move an annotation khổng lồ different lyrics in the song, use the <...> menu to lớn switch to referent editing mode
I can't write one song that's not about youCan't drink without thinkin' about youIs it too late khổng lồ tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?I'm in Toronto and I got this viewBut I might as well be in a khách sạn room, yeahIt doesn't matter 'cause I'm so consumedSpending all my nights reading texts from youOh, I'm good at keeping my distanceI know that you're the feeling I'm missingYou know that I hate lớn admit itBut everything means nothing if I can't have youI can't write one tuy vậy that's not about youCan't drink without thinkin' about youIs it too late lớn tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?I can't write one tuy vậy that's not about youCan't drink without thinkin' about youIs it too late lớn tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?
I'm so sorry that my timing's offBut I can't move on if we're still gonna talkIs it wrong for me lớn not want half?I want all of you, all the strings attachedOh, I'm good at keeping my distanceI know that you're the feeling I'm missingYou know that I hate to lớn admit itBut everything means nothing if I can't have youI can't write one tuy vậy that's not about youCan't drink without thinkin' about youIs it too late to tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?I can't write one tuy vậy that's not about youCan't drink without thinking about youIs it too late to tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?I'm trying khổng lồ move on, forget you, but I hold onEverything means nothing, everything means nothing, babeI'm trying lớn move on, forget you, but I hold onEverything means nothing if I can't have you, no
I can't write one song that's not about youCan't drink without thinkin' about youIs it too late lớn tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you? (Can't have you)I can't write one song that's not about youCan't drink without thinking about youIs it too late to tell you thatEverything means nothing if I can't have you?
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About Annotation3 contributors
“If I Can’t Have You” is the upbeat, The 1975-inspired track that marks the beginning of Shawn Mendes" fourth musical era after the May 2018 release of his third studio album, Shawn Mendes. The track marks his highest ranking career debut & first đứng top 3 hit with an opening rank at #2 on Billboard’s Hot 100.

Bạn đang xem: Lyrics for if i can't have you by yvonne elliman

In an interview with SiriusXM Hits 1, Shawn summarized the track as

…an elevated version of what you know as Shawn Mendes Music.

In an interview with Beats 1, Shawn described “If I Can’t Have You” as a “confident pop record” and went on lớn say that

This is the one that consistently every time I play it for myself, or for friends & family, it has just given people ‘that’ smile.

Shortly after the song’s release, in an interview with Rolling Stone, Shawn revealed that he originally wrote the song with Dua Lipa in mind. In a later interview with New 102.7, he clarified that he’d never contacted Dua about the song, and that giving her the track was just an idea he had.

The song’s lyrics first appeared on on April 26, 2019; the same day Shawn’s manager, Andrew Gertler, teased “some serious surprises” on his Instagram. Shawn first teased the song’s release on May 1, 2019 via his Twitter.

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“If I Can’t Have You” & its accompanying music đoạn phim were released at midnight on May 3, 2019. The song’s first live performance was May 4th on Saturday Night Live, where Shawn starred as a musical guest.