Chibi effect cực đẹp

I have always considered Boa Hancock as one of the strongest shichibukai, after seeing her defeat 2 Pacifistas with ease (it took 1 kick each #monster!) maybe as powerful as Doflamingo, Kuma or Mihawk. She has mastered all three types of Haki và her devil fruit is very deadly. So I was wondering if Luffy & Boa Hancock would be on a 1 on 1 all out fight (i know Boa will never hurt the love of her life, but I'm just wondering :D) will it be as epic as the Luffy-Doflamingo fight? do you think Boa can push Luffy lớn the limit that he would need to lớn use Gear Fourth just to beat Boa Hancock?

What bởi you guys think?


To be honest, most of the pre-timeskip Shichibukai could. Crocodile can bởi it if he emphasized on draining their moisture one by one.Bạn đang xem: One piece boa hancock và luffy

Yeah I think she can, on vị trí cao nhất of all the things you said about her, she is also very ruthless and an expert at deception which makes her dangerous. Both Sengoku & Kuzan have said she is not to lớn be underestimated, even a vice admiral, Momonga was on his knees và hancock barely did anything, turning Pacifistas to stone, deadly martial prowess, superhuman strength etc., she's lượt thích One Pieces's answer to Wonder Woman.

Bạn đang xem: Chibi effect cực đẹp

We haven't even seen her full capabilities, but based on her accomplishments & the fact that she is the head of the kuja tribe, which means she is the strongest I actually think she can beat pre & post ts luffy.

Wow! you think Boa Hancock can beat a Gear Fourth Luffy? That's interesting. I like this idea :D

I don't think Luffy can beat her by just using Gear 3rd, remember when he was fighting with Doflamingo, he said Gear 3rd is to lớn "slow".

I think Boa's haki is definitely on Doflamingo's màn chơi if not higher, I remember that the Kuja pirates are all capable of using haki & being their leader her haki must be elite level.

She used her powers lớn petrify the Pacifistas và break them with her strength, and they didn't attack her because they were programmed not khổng lồ attack WG allies (Shichibukai too). If Zoro can easily cut through one of them, there's no reason that Mihawk cannot.

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Hancock was never confirmed to lớn have màu sắc of Observation

"She used her powers khổng lồ petrify the Pacifistas & break them with her strength" yep pretty strong

I think her màu sắc of Observation Haki is on full display againts the fight with Nightin?



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