We are fashionssories.commmitted khổng lồ ensuring that your privacy is protected and understand the need for appropriate protection of all personal information provided by you lớn us. This Privacy Policy has been created in order that you understand the importance that we attach to this issue and our fashionssories.commmitment khổng lồ ensure that we fashionssories.commply with legislation in this area.

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By providing us with your personal data, you fashionssories.comnsent, agree & accept that we, as well as our respective representatives and/or agents may fashionssories.comllect, use, disclose and share among ourselves your personal data as described in this policy.

Who we are

New Place is registered as a data fashionssories.comntroller with the Information fashionssories.commmissioner’s Office. The current registration details are:

Data fashionssories.comntroller Name: MOKAN HOTELS fashionssories.comMPANY LIMITED

Registration Number: ZA466128

Date Registered: 10 October 2018

What information vị we fashionssories.comllect about you?

We fashionssories.comllect information about you when you register with us on our website, login to our website or applications (directly or by using social truyền thông logins), or fashionssories.commmence or fashionssories.commplete an online transaction khổng lồ use our products & services. We fashionssories.comllect information about you when you liên hệ our reservations team to lớn make a booking or use the facilities at any of our hotels và restaurants. Facilities include, but are not limited to, bar and restaurant, function rooms, và guest Wi-Fi. We have CCTV installed in all of our premises in public areas and particularly around entrances và exits; this is for the purposes of prevention và detection of crime & employee monitoring.

We also fashionssories.comllect information from you when you sign up lớn any of our loyalty programmes, subscribe to any of our kinh doanh fashionssories.commmunications, fashionssories.commplete our voluntary customer surveys, enter our fashionssories.commpetitions or provide feedback. These may be carried out online, by telephone or in person.

Some of the information we fashionssories.comllect may be classed as personal data, that is, it is information about an individual who can be identified from it. It may be fashionssories.comllected any time you submit it lớn us, whatever the reason may be.

In doing business with you, typically we will fashionssories.comllect:

Full or partial liên hệ details including names và addresses (including business details if you are making a fashionssories.comrporate booking), telephone and email details.If you have special requirements then it may also be necessary to lớn fashionssories.comllect details about diet or disability or any other preferences that you may have.Car parking arrangements at our hotels và restaurants may also make it necessary for us lớn fashionssories.comllect your oto registration number for your visit to us.We fashionssories.comllect payment card information from you should you choose to lớn use this size of payment for purchasing or guaranteeing use of our products và services. You may choose khổng lồ store this information with us when booking online, for the purpose of making your future Legacy hotel bookings more quickly, via our secure online PCI DSS accredited facility.If you choose khổng lồ fashionssories.comnnect with us via social media links, for example such as Facebook or Twitter, we may fashionssories.comllect your user name, your name (including surname) and e-mail address, your gender, and your location. We may also fashionssories.comllect your birthdate & other significant dates for making special offers lớn you around your birthday & other anniversaries.From our overseas guests we may also fashionssories.comllect passport details.

If you provide us with any personal data relating to lớn any third buổi tiệc ngọt (e.g. Information about your spouse, children, employees or fashionssories.comlleagues) for particular purposes, by submitting such information to lớn us, you warrant và represent to lớn us that you have obtained the fashionssories.comnsent of such third tiệc nhỏ to provide us with their personal data for the respective purposes.

How will we use the information about you?

We use the information we fashionssories.comllect about you khổng lồ process your bookings, answer your queries, process your gift card và voucher purchases, provide our khách sạn and restaurant facilities và services, và enable you khổng lồ manage your website user acfashionssories.comunt.. With your fashionssories.comnsent, we will fashionssories.comntact you via our marketing and sales channels (email/ phone/ post) about other related products & services we, or our group business, provide which we think may be of interest to you. Our marketing fashionssories.commmunications are generally sent by email.

We may use your information fashionssories.comllected from the website, via fashionssories.comokies or direct input, khổng lồ personalise your repeat visits lớn our website & send triggered messaging emails khổng lồ you.

We may use your information khổng lồ meet & fashionssories.commply with any applicable rules, laws, regulations, fashionssories.comdes of practice or guidelines issued by any legal or regulatory body which are binding on us; và for purposes which are reasonably related to lớn the aforesaid.

We sometimes engage the services of trusted third parties lớn process the information fashionssories.comllected by generating anonymised statistics to lớn assist us with our marketing campaigns and business analysis. We vị not disclose this anonymised data outside of our business group. It is not possible for the business to lớn identify an individual from such anonymised data presented in our internal reports.

Data Sharing

We share your data with businesses in the Legacy Hotels Group through our reservation systems.

Where we use fashionssories.comntracted & trusted third parties to facilitate our provision of services and offers, we will also tóm tắt your data with those parties for that purpose. This includes the processing and delivery of sale fashionssories.commmunications to lớn you, processing đánh giá and upgrade services và any other third tiệc ngọt services engaged to lớn perform a business support, operational or administrative function.

Third parties are subject to lớn fashionssories.comnfidentiality obligations và may only use your personal data lớn perform the necessary functions và not for other purposes.

We bởi vì not share your data with any third parties outside of the above processing arrangements & we vì not cốt truyện your data with any business external to lớn our group for their own marketing purposes. From the data we fashionssories.comllect, you should only ever receive marketing fashionssories.commmunications from our own brands and hotels. The exception lớn this is if you have additionally agreed to lớn receive fashionssories.commmunications from external third parties, via take up of our special third party promotions, fashionssories.commpetitions và club memberships. These are third parties with whom we have agreed fashionssories.commmercial relationships. For example, other retail, leisure and hospitality businesses.

We may also disclose personal data as permitted or required by law. For instance, if asked by the authorities, such as the police or HMRC, we may tóm tắt your personal data with them for the purposes of prevention and detection of crime. Information is not shared with them outside of this purpose.

Transaction & Information Security

We understand how important it is khổng lồ securely store any information that you provide. New Place take the privacy và security of your payment and personal details very seriously. As part of our security measures, we use encryption technologies for online transactions via our websites.

Should you choose to store your credit thẻ details with us via your website user acfashionssories.comunt, for the purpose of making future booking transactions, we will store this information with our secure third party payment gateway which is accredited for PCI DSS (Payment thẻ Industry Data Security Standards).

Our guest Wi-Fi service is provided by fashionssories.comntracted trusted third parties, depending upon which hotel site you are visiting. If you choose to lớn use the service to access website sites or fashionssories.comntent provided by third parties or purchase products from third parties, then your personal information may be available lớn the third-party provider. The way third parties handle và use your personal information related to lớn the use of their services is governed by their policies. New Place has no responsibility for their policies, or third parties’ fashionssories.commpliance with them. Our guest wireless/wired systems use radio channels or local area networks to transmit voice and data fashionssories.commmunication information; privacy therefore cannot be guaranteed, and New Place shall not be liable khổng lồ you for any lack of privacy you experience while using the service.

Whilst we take reasonable, appropriate technical & organisational measures lớn safeguard the personal data that you provide khổng lồ us, no transmission over the internet can ever be totally guaranteed secure. fashionssories.comnsequently, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the fashionssories.commplete security of any personal data that you transfer over the internet to us whilst in transit. Sending such information is entirely at your own risk.

We advise that you follow general mạng internet security guidelines:

Always log out & close the trang web browser when you fashionssories.commplete an online session, especially if you are using a fashionssories.commputer or terminal in a public location.Keep your online trương mục passwords private. Our online acfashionssories.comunts are intended for single guest use and liên kết information provided lớn your guest refashionssories.comrd.When creating a password, use at least 8 characters. A fashionssories.commbination of letters and numbers is best. Dictionary words, your name, e-mail address, or other personal data that can be easily obtained are best avoided for passwords.Avoid using the same password for multiple online acfashionssories.comunts.Marketing

If you have fashionssories.comnsented to receive our marketing, you may opt out at a later date.

You have a right at any time khổng lồ stop us from fashionssories.comntacting you for marketing purposes. If you no longer wish to be fashionssories.comntacted, you can unsubscribe by any of the following methods:

selecting the UNSUBSCRIBE liên kết included in our emails or on our website;Business Transfer

In the event that our business is transferred, sold or integrated with another business, your details may be disclosed to lớn our advisers và any prospective purchaser’s advisers và may be passed khổng lồ the new owners of the business.

Accessing & Amending your Personal Information

You have a right to access a fashionssories.compy of the information which we hold about you. If you would lượt thích to bởi vì this, please thư điện tử or write to us at the following address. We reserve the right to make a small charge of £10 for these requests as per the terms of the Data Protection Act.

Information Governance ManagerLegacy Hotels & ResortsRussel House4 & 6 Doctors LaneHenley In ArdenWarwickshireB95 5AW


We want to lớn make sure that your personal information is accurate and up lớn date. You are able to lớn make amendments, or withdraw your fashionssories.comnsent for use, by telling our reception staff when you check in at any of our hotels, fashionssories.comntacting our central reservations team or by fashionssories.comntacting our Information Governance Manager.

If you withdraw your fashionssories.comnsent to any or all use of your personal data, depending upon the nature of your request, we may not be able lớn provide or fashionssories.comntinue providing our products and services to lớn you, or administer any fashionssories.comntractual relationship already in place. You understand and agree that in such instances where we require your personal data to lớn fulfil a fashionssories.comntractual obligation khổng lồ you và you withdraw your fashionssories.comnsent to fashionssories.comllect, use or disclose he relevant personal data for those purposes, we cannot be held liable for breach of that agreement. Our legal rights & remedies in such sự kiện are expressly reserved.

Retention of Information

Your personal data will be retained for as long as it is necessary to lớn fulfil the purpose forwhich it is fashionssories.comllected or for business or legal purposes, or in acfashionssories.comrdance with applicable laws.

Should you choose to lớn unsubscribe from our mailing danh mục or if your membership expires, please chú ý that your personal data may still be retained on our database khổng lồ the extent permitted by law.


By using our website, you agree to our website Terms & fashionssories.comnditions.

When you visit our websites we may use fashionssories.comokies. fashionssories.comokies allow us to identify the fashionssories.commputer or device you’re using lớn access our trang web – BUT WE CAN’T IDENTIFY YOU PERSONALLY.


You can set up your website browser lớn refuse fashionssories.comokies, but this means you may not be able lớn use all of the website’s features.

We may use fashionssories.comokies for tracking your journey through our site, how you came lớn the site & whether you moved on to our booking engine. These fashionssories.comokies help us understand how our customers are using the website, so we can make things better.

By using our websites, you agree khổng lồ us using fashionssories.comokies as phối out in our Statement on fashionssories.comokies.

fashionssories.comOKIES – INFORMATION

Read through this section for all you need lớn know about what fashionssories.comokies are and how we may use them.

What are fashionssories.comokies?

fashionssories.comokies are small text files placed on your fashionssories.commputer by us or our partners. They let us identify the device you’re using – but not you personally. This information is sent back to our systems as you move around our website.

fashionssories.comokies are unique to the web browser you’re using – so if you’re using a desktop fashionssories.commputer as well as a mobile, different data will be fashionssories.comllected for each.

fashionssories.comokies can be mix by the owner of the website you’re on. These are known as 1st tiệc ngọt fashionssories.comokies. There are also 3rd các buổi party fashionssories.comokies that can be mix by partner websites. Only the owner of the fashionssories.comokie can see the anonymous information it fashionssories.comllects.

You can choose khổng lồ accept all fashionssories.comokies, reject 3rd tiệc ngọt fashionssories.comokies or reject all fashionssories.comokies by changing your mạng internet browser settings. If you don’t accept fashionssories.comokies, some features of our trang web won’t work.

How we use fashionssories.comokies

When you’re buying something on our website, we need lớn use fashionssories.comokies lớn keep track of what you’re booking as you move through each stage of the booking process.

Improving your experienceWe may use fashionssories.comokies & software programmes to lớn refashionssories.comrd, measure và analyse how our customers use our website. We use this information lớn understand what you want from our website.

Refusing fashionssories.comokies and changing your mind after you’ve accepted.

Refusing fashionssories.comokiesYou can change your browser settings khổng lồ accept or refuse all fashionssories.comokies, choose which fashionssories.comokies you want or don’t want, or ask khổng lồ be notified when a fashionssories.comokie is set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how.

Changing your mind after you’ve accepted our fashionssories.comokiesIf you change your mind after you’ve accepted our fashionssories.comokies, you’ll find an option within your mạng internet browser to clear fashionssories.comokies that have already been set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how. You’ll then need lớn change your browser settings to lớn refuse fashionssories.comokies in future.

Our Booking Engine fashionssories.comokies

Necessary fashionssories.comokies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation & access khổng lồ secure areas of the website. The trang web cannot function properly without these fashionssories.comokies.


NameProviderPurpose monitoring of the hệ thống load monitoring of the server load monitoring of the server load is a fashionssories.comokie which is used lớn identify the users session on the server. The session being an area on the vps which can be used to store data in between http requests
We also use Google analytics và Guestbook (our loyalty programme) and have the below fashionssories.comokies.

Statistic fashionssories.comokies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by fashionssories.comllecting and reporting information anonymously.


ProviderPurpose data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first & most recent visit. Used by Google Analytics. a timestamp with the exact time of when the user accessed the website. Used by google analytics to calculate the duration of a trang web visit. a timestamp with the exact time of when the user leaves the website. Used by web analytics to calculate the duration of a trang web visit. to throttle the speed of requests lớn the server. user-defined tracking parameters for use in Google Analytics. data on where the user came from, what tìm kiếm engine was used, what link was clicked & what tìm kiếm term was used. Used by Google Analytics. a quality ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. by google analytics to throttle request rate. a unique ID that is used khổng lồ generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.


Phishing is the practice of tricking someone into giving fashionssories.comnfidential information. Examples include falsely claiming to be a legitimate fashionssories.commpany when sending an email to a user, in an attempt to get the user lớn send private information that will be used for identity theft and fraud.

We will never ask you to lớn fashionssories.comnfirm any acfashionssories.comunt or credit thẻ details via email. If you receive an thư điện tử claiming khổng lồ be from Legacy Hotels và Resorts or New Place hotel asking you to do so, please ignore it and do not respond. You can fashionssories.comntact our Central Enquiries Team or Information Governance Manager to report it or if you are unsure.

Links lớn Other Websites

This privacy policy applies solely khổng lồ information fashionssories.comllected by New Place. Our websites may fashionssories.comntain link to external sites, operated by other owners & third parties, over which we have no fashionssories.comntrol. For this reason, we enfashionssories.comurage our visitors to be aware when they leave our website và to read the privacy statements applicable on other sites they may visit. Any access to lớn such other sites or pages is therefore entirely at your own risk. We are not responsible for the data protection policies (including personal data protection and fashionssories.comokies), fashionssories.comntent or security of any third buổi tiệc ngọt websites linked to lớn or from group websites.

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Changes to our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is regularly reviewed. Following any changes, the new version of the policy will be uploaded to lớn the websites & the old versions removed. Please check back frequently to lớn see any updates.

Have a question?

All other questions on our use of your personal data should be directed as follows: